
Showing posts from January, 2018

Framing the First Amendment

Framing the First Amendment, with particular emphasis on the Establishment Clause. There are two themes underlying the Establishment Clause. One is a theme of federalism. On this view, the authors of the clause sought to prevent the federal government from interfering with decisions by the states either to establish or not to establish a religion. Their fear was that Congress would establish a national religion, thereby pre-empting local establishments or imposing an establishment upon a state that did not want one.

United States programs

Over the course of the last century progressions have been established to eliminate the discrimination that has obstructed women and many racial and visible minorities from discovering their full potential. In the United States programs of, "affirmative action" have been implemented in order to alleviate such discrimination, as have programs of "employment equity" in Canada. These programs have come to affect all aspects of out lives everything from post-secondary school admissions, public and private sector employment, laws as well even sentencing for indictable offences.